French bean is a leguminuous vegetable and contains high protein. It was believed that this vegetable was originated from South and Central America. French bean is a coil round in habit, has long lateral and tap-roots, needs stake to creep. French Beans are rich with protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, zinc, vitamins A, B, D and starch. French beans also contain much iron, which aid blood cells production. Vitamin B present in them benefits the Qi (vital energy), the spleen and kidneys. French beans are filled with healthy dietary fibers that help in the prevention of cholesterol. These fibers are also beneficial for diabetic people as they help in preventing the sugar levels from rising up immediately after having a meal. French beans also help in improving the immune system of the body as they are a rich source of Vitamin C. The presence of copper in French beans, in turn, helps in the proper synthesis of hemoglobin. They also contribute in preventing fatal diseases like colon cancer. With many more health benefits these french beans always make their entry in my pantry.

* Kacang Buncis Perancis adalah sayuran jenis kacang-kacangan (Leguminuos) yang mengandung protein tinggi. Jenis Kacang Buncis Perancis dipercaya berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan Latin. Kacang Buncis Perancis tumbuh melingkar dengan spesifikasi memiliki akar serabut yang panjang dan akar pokok, sehingga diperlukan pancang bambu untuk merangkak tumbuh. Kacang Buncis Perancis kaya dengan protein, lemak, zat kapur, fosfor, besi, magnesium,kalium, sodium, seng, vitamin A, B, D dan tajin. Zat besi yang terdapat pada Kacang Buncis Perancis ini bermanfaat untuk produksi sel darah merah. Juga vitamin B yang dihasilkan bermanfaat bagi peningkatan energi Qi yang akan mendukung kerja limpa dan ginjal. Selain itu, kandungan seratnya mampu mencegah kolestrol, sehingga baik bila dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes/kencing manis.

Kami menyediakan fresh Baby french beans dan benihnya.

Yuri Prasetyo Budi
Email : yuriprasetyobudi@ymail.com
Phone : 08122712518